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Hi there! I'm very interested in running this game for my friend. Do you have any suggestion on running it online?

That’s great!

We actually prepared a Miro template for online play:

Thank you!


Brilliant! Frankly, gaming should always combine social commentary and personal enrichment ... not in a club-you-over-the-head manner, but not so subtle as to be missed either. It requires finesse. Well and timely done.


Thank you so much for the kind words! That’s very much what we were going for, so we’re very happy that was your experience.


Man, Viking Blood Feuds are, like... the perfect avenue to explore the concept of toxic masculinity.


Thanks! We heartily agree.


What a great game! Our RPG book club podcast just recorded an episode about it.


That’s awesome! We’re big fans of the show.

(2 edits) (+1)

 this is a really well put together game that I quite enjoy.

Very happy to hear it! Thanks for commenting!